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Gwénolé Gahinet's take on the sailor's holdall

Gwéno reveals the "wardrobe" you need as a skipper.

Offshore Racing and Guy Cotten

The story of Guy Cotten et offshore racing is over 40 years old

Story of the Guy Cotten logo

The story of the Guy Cotten logo told by its designer, Alain Le Quernec

Guy Cotten sponsors EXPLORE and Roland JOURDAIN

Created by Roland Jourdain, the Explore fund identifies and supports the explorers of the 21st century.

Itineraires Bretagne - France3 Programme dated 08 October 2014

Meeting with Nadine Bertholom at the GUY COTTEN workshops in Trégunc.
Report by S. Salliou, C. Rousseau, B. Thibaut,...

Meet two companies, Finisterre and Guy Cotten

For Nadine Bertholom-Cotten and Tom Kay, the key to success is to step into the shoes of users. They each do this in their own way!

"L'abri du Marin" commercial

The well-known l'Abri du marin commercial, illustrated with the new brand logo, commissioned from the designer Alain Le Quernec...

Guy Cotten "Va savoir" programme January 1996

In January 1996, the 'Va Savoir' programme (presented on Channel 5 by Gérard Klein) goes to sea the Guy Cotten all-weather...

Guy Cotten, sunshine through the rain

The Guy Cotten saga by Claude Ollivier.


Sortie en mer (Sea trip) - teaser

In this film by Guy Cotten, the well-known manufacture of equipment for sailors and CLM BBDO, you experience and feel what its like...

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