Definition of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) : All equipment (including clothing affording protection against the weather) which is intended to be worn or held by a person at work and which protects the user against one or more risks to their health or safety.
This category includes exclusively the following minimal risks: superficial mechanical injury, contact with cleaning materials of weak action or prolonged contact with water, contact with hot surfaces not exceeding 50 °C, damage to the eyes due to exposure to sunlight, atmospheric conditions that are not of an extreme nature.
Category II includes risks other those listed in Categories I and III.
Category III includes exclusively the risks that may cause very serious consequences such as death or irreversible damage to health relating to the following: substances and mixtures which are hazardous to health, atmospheres with oxygen deficiency, harmful biological agents, ionising radiation, high-temperature environments the effects of which are comparable to those of an air temperature of at least 100 °C, lowtemperature environments the effects of which are comparable to those of an air temperature of –50 °C or less, falling from a height, electric shock and live working, drowning, cuts by hand-held chainsaws, high-pressure jets, bullet wounds or knife stabs, harmful noise.

The EN 343 standard evolved in 2019, our PPE are in the process of being brought into conformity. The big change is the addition of a 4th class for waterproofness and evaporative resistance.
EN 343 : 2003 + A1 : 2007 (before evolution)
EN 343 : 2019
(X) Waterproofness of fabrics and seams: Measured by water column which determines resistance to water penetration. Class 4 is the highest.
(R/X) Waterproofness of the garment: Optional test performed with rain shower simulator. R if test carried out, X otherwise.
(Y) Breathability: The higher the RET, the less the fabric breathes.
The garment should be closed properly to ensure maximum protective performance.
Maximum recommended wearing time depending of water vapour resistance Class :
NF EN ISO 12402-5 : 2006 / A1 : 2010
Personal flotation devices - Part 5: Buoyancy aids (level 50) - Safety requirements
This specifies the safety requirements for buoyancy aids with a buoyancy of not less than 50 N used in sheltered aters with help and rescue close at hand. It applies to buoyancy aids used by adults or children.
NF EN ISO 12402-3 : 2006 / A1 : 2010
Personal flotation devices - Part 3: lifejackets, performance level 150 - Safety requirements - Amendment 1
This specifies the safety requirements for performance level 150 N lifejackets. This applies to lifejackets used by adults and children.
NF EN ISO 12402-2 : 2006 / A1 : 2010
Personal flotation devices - Part 2: lifejackets, performance level 275 - Safety requirements - Amendment 1
This specifies the safety requirements for performance level 275 N lifejackets.This applies to lifejackets used by adults and children intended for use offshore, in extreme conditions.
SOLAS = Safety Of Life At Sea
Convention that sets minimum safety standards in the construction, equipment and operation of merchant ships.
Our products have been tested by : INPP (Institut National de Plongée Professionnelle)
European Notified Body N°0078 – Entrée N°3 Port de la pointe rouge BP.157 - 13267 Marseille CEDEX 08 France
Phone : (+33) 496.140.940 - www.inpp.org
EN ISO 20471 : A1 : 2016
The class (X) is based on the minimum required surface (m²) of visible materials on the garment. Measurements are made on the smallest size.
The use of a high-visibility garment does not guarantee that the user will be visible in all circumstances and conditions. It improves conspicuity when there is a high risk of not being seen. It must not be covered by other clothing or equipment.
Any markings should maintain the area of the visible materials to comply withthe standard. A suit consisting of jacket and trousers may be listed in a higher category if it complies with the minimum visible area requirement (cf. table).
Please contact us if you need further information.
The maximal washing cycles number indicated is not the only factor linked to the life expectancy of the garment. Its life also depends on the conditions of use, care and storage conditions. The garment does not provide an optimal protection if the material is worn or damaged. The garment may only be repaired with materials and threads that meet the requirements of the standard for the garment.
Cleaning and maintenance instructions
Our products have been tested by CENTEXBEL
Technologiepark 7 BE – 9052 ZWIJNAARDE - BELGIUM
Phone +32 9 243 46 98 / Fax + 32 9 243 46 98
www.centexbel.be - Notified body 0493
NF EN 14605+A1
Type 3 : Liquid-tight chemical protective clothing – jet test.
NF EN 14605+A1
Type 4 : Spray-tight liquid protective clothing.
NF EN ISO 13982-1/A1
Type 5 : Clothing offering protection against chemicals in the form of solid particles.
NF EN 13034+A1
Type 6 : Clothing designed to offer protection against potential exposure to small quantities of spray or accidental low olume splashes of low risk chemicals.
For optimum, refer to performances specified, use the full garment recommanded on the technical data sheets available on the guycotten.com website. Follow the instructions below :
Before wearing the PPE, check:
That it is in good condition (no holes or areas of wear and tear) and Good decontamination (no product residues); Put the suit on, by adjusting:
- The magic hood (see p25),
- The cuffs of the sleeves
- The flaps of the zipper
- The braces and the tightening flaps on the Bib and Braces
Decontaminate after use:
- Rinse
- Use a gentle detergent product
- Rinse thoroughly
- Let the garment dry
Wearing the garment can cause heat stress to the user (Ret< 1000).
Use the suit in ambient temperatures, and in an environment without moving parts.
Flammable material. Keep away from fire.
The outfit is intended for cleaning operations causing steam or other similar activities.
If the garment shows signs of wear and tear, GUY COTTEN can carry out some repairs.
Any repairs or modifications done to the garment other than those made by GUY COTTEN, may affect the performance of the garment, GUY COTTEN cannot be held responsible.